Classic Vehicle Plates
Classic Vehicle Insurance
Owners of vehicles with Classic Vehicle, Classic Rod, or Old Timer license plates are required to carry classic or antique vehicle insurance. Owners who do not meet the requirements will have to obtain a different license plate style and a smog check if needed.
- You must show the Declarations page from your insurance policy as proof that the vehicle is covered by Nevada insurance that is specifically designated for classic or antique vehicles and meets the minimum liability coverage. You must submit this at your next renewal or at the time you first obtain plates.
- The vehicle may not be used as general transportation, driven more than 5,000 miles per year or used in any commercial capacity
- The vehicle may be driven in club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades or similar activities or for maintenance
- Vehicles that meet these requirements are exempt from emissions testing if the owner also completes an Odometer Certification for Emissions Exemption Form (EC 018).
- Renewals may be completed in person, by mail or by fax at (775) 684-4797. Complete a Payment Authorization Form (ADM 205) for mail or fax renewals.
- Plate swaps and original plate orders must be completed in person at a DMV office.
If you do not meet these requirements, you must obtain a different plate style and an emissions inspection if needed. These requirements apply to all vehicles with Classic Vehicle, Classic Rod or Old Timer plates regardless of location or whether they are subject to emissions testing.
These are laws passed during the 2021 Nevada Legislature. See Assembly Bill 349.
Can't pass smog?
The DMV offers one-time waivers and Clark County operates a repair voucher program.
Seguro para vehículos clásicos
Los propietarios de vehículos con placas tipo “Classic Vehicle”, “Classic Rod” u “Old Timer”, ahora están obligados a contar con un seguro para vehículos clásicos o antiguos. Los propietarios que no cumplan con los requisitos tendrán que obtener un tipo de placa diferente y si es necesario, una inspección de emisiones.
- Deberá presentar la página de declaraciones de su póliza de seguro como prueba de que el vehículo está cubierto por el Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil de Nevada, que está específicamente destinado para los vehículos clásicos o antiguos y cumple con la cobertura de responsabilidad mínima. Debe presentar esto en su próxima renovación o cuando obtenga placas por primera vez.
- El vehículo no puede utilizarse como transporte general, conducirse más de 5,000 millas al año, ni utilizarse con fines comerciales
- El vehículo podrá ser conducido en actividades de clubes, exposiciones, giras, desfiles o actividades similares, o para recibir mantenimiento
- Los vehículos que cumplan con estos requisitos, están exentos de las pruebas de emisiones, siempre y cuando, el propietario complete también el formulario de Odometer Certification for Emissions Exemption (EC 018).
- Las renovaciones pueden realizarse en persona, por correo o vía fax al (775) 684-4797. Llene el Payment Authorization Form (ADM 205) para renovaciones por correo o fax.
- Cambios de las placas y las placas originales deben obtenerse personalmente en una oficina de DMV.
Si no cumple con estos requisitos, deberá obtener un tipo de placa diferente y si es necesario, una inspección de emisiones. Estos requisitos aplican para todos los vehículos con placas tipo “Classic Vehicle”, “Classic Rod” u “Old Timer”, independientemente de su lugar de residencia o de si están sujetos a pruebas de emisiones.
Estas son las nuevas leyes aprobadas durante la Legislatura de Nevada de 2021. Véase el Assembly Bill 349.
¿No puede pasar el control de smog?
El DMV ofrece exenciones únicas y el condado de Clark opera un programa de vales de reparación. En inglés:
Plate Styles
Fees listed in are in addition to all other applicable registration fees. You must meet the requirements listed on each plate's application.
Payment Authorization Form (ADM 205) Deduct $.50 from the initial fee for motorcycle plates.
See Ordering Options below. Make an appointment at our metropolitan offices.
Classic Vehicle/Rod & Old Timer
Numbering | Initial | Renewal |
Sequential | $36 | $10 |
Personalized | $71 | $30 |
A $6 Pollution Control Fee applies on the initial issuance of these plates if the vehicle is being exempted from emissions testing.
- You must order these plates in person at a DMV office. Sequential plates are in stock.
- You must submit an insurance policy Declarations page that shows your policy is specifically designated for a classic or antique vehicle and meets the Nevada minimum liability requirements.
- The vehicle may not be used as general transportation, driven more than 5,000 miles per year or used in any commercial capacity.
- The vehicle may be driven in club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades or similar activities or for maintenance.
- A failed vehicle emissions test (smog) in the preceding 90 days will disqualify a vehicle from obtaining these plates. You must wait 90 days from the date of the failed emissions test to register the vehicle with a Classic Vehicle/Rod plate style.
- Personalization removes the Classic Vehicle or Classic Rod language and allows up to seven custom letters/numbers. Use our online Plate Search to look up available numbers. Home Means Nevada background only.
Emissions Exemption
Vehicles with these plates may be exempted from emissions testing if the owner Odometer Certification for Emissions Exemption Form (EC 018). See Emissions for more information. Vehicles may be driven no more than 5,000 miles per year. Owners are required to submit the certification form or a passing emissions test each year to renew the registration.
Qualifications and Applications

Classic Vehicle
Vehicles which were manufactured at least 25 years before application and have not been customized.
Sequential | Application (SP 34) |
Personalized | Application (SP 97) |

Classic Rod
Vehicles manufactured not earlier than 1949, but at least 20 years before application.
Sequential | Application (SP 20) |
Personalized | Application (SP 97) |

Old Timer
Vehicles manufactured more than 40 years before the date of application.
Old Timer plates may not be personalized.
Street Rod
Numbering | Initial | Renewal |
Sequential Only | $36 | $10 |
Vehicles manufactured earlier than 1949.
- These plates are in stock at DMV offices.
- You must order in person using the Application (SP 21).
Learn More about ordering.

Fire Truck
Numbering | Initial | Renewal |
Sequential Only | $16 | $5 |
Privately owned fire trucks used only in musters, parades or similar activities.
- These plates are in stock at DMV offices.
- You must order in person using the Application (SP 30).
Learn More about ordering.

Antique Truck/Truck-Tractor
Numbering | Initial | Renewal |
Sequential Only | $16 | $5 |
Trucks at least 25 years old, larger than one ton and used only in shows, parades or similar activities.
- These plates are in stock at DMV offices.
- You must order in person using the Application (SP 63).
Learn More about ordering.

Retired Military
Numbering | Initial | Renewal |
Sequential Only | $26 | $10 |
Vehicles manufactured for use in the military forces of any country and maintained to depict or represent military design or markings. See NRS 482.3817. May be used only in shows, parades or similar activities.
- These plates must be custom-ordered using the Application (SP 18).
- Contact us for details.

Numbering | Initial | Renewal |
Duplicate or Assigned | $36 | $10 |
Vehicles 1961 and older may use replica plates in the same colors and design as the plates issued in the year of manufacture. Please submit original plates if available to ensure the closest match.
- These plates must be custom-ordered using the Application (SP 72).
- Contact us for details.

Horseless Carriage
Numbering | Initial | Renewal |
Sequential Only | $36 | $10 |
Vehicles manufactured on or before 1915. Application must be approved by the Horseless Carriage Club of Nevada.
- These plates must be custom-ordered using the Application (SP 70).
- Contact us for details.

Ordering Options
Order in person at a DMV office or contact the DMV as indicated in the plate listing.
Make an appointment for your DMV office visit in Carson City, Henderson, Las Vegas or Reno.
Bring the following:
- Completed Application(s)
- Any additional documentation listed on the plate application
- Existing plates, if any
- Current Odometer Reading
- Nevada Evidence of Insurance
- Passing Emissions Test if required for an initial registration or renewal.
Existing Registration/Plate Swap
Be sure to bring your existing plates into the DMV office.
Classic Vehicle/Rod or Old Timer
You must obtain a full year's registration. You will be given credit for the unused portion of your current registration.
Other Styles
A $5 substitute plate fee will apply in addition to the plate fees. No registration renewal or emissions test is required if your registration is more than 35 days from renewal.
If your renewal is due or you choose to renew the registration, you must provide a passing emissions test if required and the last test was completed more than 90 days prior. You will receive credit for the unused portion of your current registration if it is not due for renewal.
Vehicle owners may transfer existing plates to a buyer using a License Plate Release (SP 67) by signing in person at a DMV office as the sale is completed. The new vehicle must meet all applicable requirements.
Original Registration
See the full list of Registration Requirements or the New Resident Guide and use our online Registration Fee Estimate.
Personalized/Custom Orders
If you order personalized plates or your plate is not in stock, we will issue a movement permit and mail the plates to you. Make an appointment if you will be visiting a DMV office in Carson City, Henderson, Las Vegas or Reno.