DMV Approved Translators

The DMV is not currently accepting new applications for translators. Please check back for updates.

The DMV requires a typed or electronically printed translation of any document not in English when you are applying for a Driver’s License, Driver Authorization Card, Identification Card or Commercial Driver’s License.

You must use one of the DMV approved translators listed in the search results.

Letter A in different languages

DMV Approved Translators

  • Check with different translators to make sure you get the best price. There is no standard price for translating.
  • Do not give the translator your original document. Have a photocopy made to give the translator. Keep the original.
  • Ensure your translation meets the Translation Requirements below.

Translator Search

Search for any combination of contact information and/or language.

Exact matches only. Example: "89101" and "Spanish" will return all Spanish translators in zip code 89101. Leave blank for all records.

Translation Requirements

Any document in a foreign language must be properly translated to English by a DMV-approved translator before it can be accepted. Translated documents must include all of the following. No abstract translations will be accepted.

  • A typed or electronically-printed full and complete translation of the entire document
  • Date the translation was completed
  • DMV-approved Translator Number issued by the Nevada DMV
  • Translator’s printed name and signature
  • The following typed or electronically printed statement:

I, [insert translator’s full legal name], certify that the foregoing is a complete and accurate translation from [insert foreign language] to the English language to the best of my ability. I further certify that I am fully competent to translate from [insert foreign language] into the English language and that I am proficient in both languages.

DMV-approved Translator Number__________________

Do not use a separate sheet of paper for the statement and signature. Documents without a valid translator number will be rejected at the DMV office.

Document Preparation Services

The primary purpose of translators approved by the DMV is to provide an individual with documents translated from a foreign language into the English language. A translator providing this type of service is not required to register with the Secretary of State.

You are required to register with the Nevada Secretary of State as a Document Preparation Service if you receive compensation to provide any of the following services at the direction of a client:

  • Providing assistance in a legal matter by preparing or completing any application or other document for the client
  • Translating an answer to a question posed in such a document
  • Securing any supporting document for the client, such as a birth certificate, required in connection with the legal matter
  • Submitting a completed document on behalf of the client to a court or administrative agency
  • If you hold yourself out as a person who provides such services for compensation

For more information on Document Preparation Services, go to Nevada Secretary of State : Document Preparation Services.